I am a Full Stack web developer based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. I build web applications for clients on both the front-end and back-end side, over the span of my career I have been using PHP, Laravel, MySQL, and TailwindCSS for my web applications.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or take a look at my work.


Note: The work on my GitHub profile is currently not up-to-date and does not represent the quality of my work, I will be updating this soon.

eCommerce API

I took some initiative and decided to build an eCommerce API with laravel for practice, the API will be able to fetch and store products and add stuff to a shopping cart etc.

GitHub repository

Inertia playground

I completed the Laracasts: Build Modern Laravel Apps Using Inertia.js course and I am actively working on this application to experiment with InertiaJS.

GitHub repository

Laravel blog

I have completed the Laracasts: Laravel 8 from scratch course and I might revisit later to add fun extra features to the application.

GitHub repository

Galgje PHP

This was a project for school. It is a hangman game with minimal design using PHP sessions to make the application function.

GitHub repository

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